Wellbeing at South Camberley
The designated Senior Mental Health Lead at South Camberley is Mrs MIllett you can contact her at any time via schooloffice@southcamberley.surrey.sch.uk
Promoting Positive Wellbeing and Mental Health for the Whole School Community
SCPS News Wellbeing Video
Here at South Camberley Primary and Nursery School, we value the health and well-being of all our students and staff so are excited to announce that we have signed up to the Well-being Award for Schools, administered by Award Place, in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau.
We have signed up to this award to further develop our work to promote positive wellbeing and mental health for the whole school community and gain accreditation for the work we have already done. It also ties in with our school strategy to help our students become caring, active citizens and achieve excellence.
About the Award
There are eight objectives to achieve within the Well-being Award Framework, containing several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set out within each. The award focuses on ensuring effective practice and provision is in place that promotes the emotional wellbeing and mental health of both staff and pupils. The award will enable us to develop these practices where necessary and help us to ensure that wellbeing is embedded in the long-term culture of our school. It will help us to create an ethos where mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all.
With this award, we will demonstrate our commitment to:
- Promoting mental health as part of every day school life
- Improving the emotional well-being of our staff and pupils
- Ensuring mental health problems are identified early and appropriate support provided
- Offering provision and interventions that matches the needs of our pupils and staff
- Promoting the importance of mental health awareness
- Capturing the views of parents, pupils and teachers on mental health issues
Introduction to the Wellbeing Award Launch Assembly
Five Ways to Wellbeing Assembly
We launched the Five Ways to Wellbeing in assembly. The children have talked about the five areas and are encouraged to: Keep Learning, Take Notice, Connect, Be Active and to Give.
Our South Camberley Wellbeing Ambassadors
Wellbeing Ambassadors have been appointed to take an active role in planning and delivering school Wellbeing events. In addition to this, they support and keep an eye out for others during the school day.
Our Wellbeing Amabssadors support children on the playground and help to organise Wellbeing Wednesdays.
Five Ways to Wellbeing
Here are just some of the ways in which we are engaging with the Five Ways to Wellbeing…
How you can support your children?
About the National Children’s Bureau
For more than 50 years NCB have been making a big difference to the lives of children and young people, especially the most vulnerable. Over the last 50 years they have developed several member groups and dedicated networks on issues such as bullying, early childhood, special educational needs and childhood bereavement. Some of their achievements include: founding the Council for Disabled Children (CDC), launched the Childhood Bereavement Network, successfully campaigned for the new national curriculum to embed financial education in both mathematics and citizenship education, so children can be taught the basic skills of how to manage money.
Mental Health and Well-being are increasingly a central consideration within the school and within the wider community. We have a number of different processes to help students who feel that they may need to talk to someone about their mental health or get the support for someone they are concerned about.
- Online Reporting – if you have a concern about your child, another child or even yourself, you can email dsl.1@southcamberley.surrey.sch.uk for further support
- Worry Monsters – pupils can post a note with concerns about another pupil or themselves. These are emptied daily and any information inside is followed up by the class teacher and/or a senior member of staff
- Pupils can self refer by coming to the wellbeing drop in sessions every Wednesday with Mrs. Millett and Mrs. Ayres-Townshend
- Pupils can also approach any member of staff that they feel confident with, with any concerns.
As a school, we take all aspects of a young person’s wellbeing seriously but we are first and foremost a school so as well as contacting us to let us know your concerns we strongly recommend that you contact your GP to discuss any concerns that you may have about your young person.
We place great emphasis on the welfare of our school community and provide support, information and guidance to help everyone at our school feel happy. We also celebrate the diverse and inclusive nature of our school community and recognise the faiths, beliefs and needs held by all.
Please see below for mental health & well-being information, signposting to local services and advice for parents:
How to stay safe online | Protect your child from cyberbullying | Support for children struggling with bereavement | Access support for mental health issues |
We have put together some resources to help you support your child. We hope you find this information helpful.
Please see documents below.
What other support is available to families suffering hardship this winter? This time of year can put extra pressure on household budgets, with increased heating bills and the pressure of Christmas looming large. As part of the government’s Winter Support Grant, Surrey County Council has made extra funding available to Surrey Crisis Fund. This money is there to act as a winter lifeline for those feeling that there is nowhere to turn when unexpected bills appear or essential household items break down. Families can access the Surrey Crisis Fund online, or families can ask at their local library or Citizens Advice Bureau.
Use the following link to visit Childline's Calm Zone https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/
The following link will take you to Home Grown Skills, a completely free resource bank for parents and teachers to support young people's wellbeing and personal development during this period https://www.yesfutures.org/resources-for-parents
Surrey’s ‘Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service’ have created a series of webinar presentations, which can be viewed using the following links:
Webinar Topic |
Video Link |
Evaluation |
What is Anxiety? Learn to recognise and understand the signs, symptoms and triggers of anxiety. |
Strategies for Managing Anxiety Explorer strategies to manage your child's anxiety. |
Transitions to a new school Understand how transitions may be different, and tips on how to prepare and support your child for transitions. |