Pupil Premium Funding
Rationale for Pupil Premium Expenditure
The Pupil Premium and Service Pupil Premium is funding provided to schools which is additional to main school funding allocation. It is allocated according to the number of pupils on-roll who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), a smaller amount allocated according to the number of children of service families, and an allocation for each pupil who has been ‘Looked After’ (in care) for 6 months or more.
We focus our Pupil Premium expenditure on improving the progress and attainment of disadvantaged and most able disadvantaged pupils. We plan and regularly review a range of interventions and strategies that enable us to diminish the difference between disadvantaged pupils and non-disadvantaged pupils. The vast majority of the funding enables us to teach children in smaller groups and to fund some children on residential trips. We do not fund all trips, but we do ensure that every disadvantaged pupil has full access to a broad and varied provision throughout their time at South Camberley Primary and Nursery School.
To find out more please see the attached summary of how the Pupil Premium funding was used in 2021/23 and our strategy on how we plan to use the funding in 2024-2026.