September 2024 Parent information
New Entrants Starting School in September 2024
Welcome to South Camberley!
Thank you for choosing South Camberley Primary and Nursery School
We don’t wait until September to get to know our new intake of pupils and their families. We start transition visits in the summer term so that your children enjoy coming to school from day one.
Our staff will visit your child at their nursery and we’ll invite you into our school for stay and plays, story times and opportunities to meet with school staff. When September comes, our transition arrangements are swift and smooth to enable a positive and seamless start to school life.
This close bond will introduce you to the secret of our success: a clear vision for all our pupils to become confident and caring individuals who gain personal success and a lifelong love of learning.
We know that choosing the right school for your child is an important decision and we hope that you will find information here to support you in that process. We understand the importance of our role in helping form your child's early experiences at school, nurturing their emotions and building on their understanding of the world. We are a thriving school community and we look forward to your child starting with us in September.
We cannot wait to welcome you to join our friendly and caring community.
You will find some top tips for preparing your child for their first day in the Frequently Asked Questions section to the right of this page.
Below you will find links to forms and information which should tell you all you need to know before you join us in September.
Admission and Consent Forms
These have already been sent you in your welcome email, but are here again for your convenience. It is only necessary to complete these once. You do not need to save or return these forms to us as we automatically receive the information once the forms are submitted.
Our uniform can be purchased at Brenda's Uniform shop a full list and more information can be found on our uniform page.
School Lunches
All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children can have a free school meal each day regardless of your household income.
Full time Nursery children can have a school meal at a cost of £2.80 per day.
Free school meals and extra funding
If you receive certain benefits, you can apply to a scheme called the Pupil Premium. This gives our school extra funding - up to £1300 per year, to help with your child’s education. Nursery children who are eligible for this Pupil Premium will also receive a free school meal.
we urge all new nursery and reception parents to apply if you qualify, see eligibility and apply here.
if you think you qualify please apply. All applicants who come back as eligible will be entered into a draw to win a £50 supermarket voucher!
Allergens & medical diets
Our Caterers, Chartwells create menus for those children who suffer with allergies or require a special diet.
A special diet is a requirement different to the choices offered within the menu cycle, which is medically required or due to religious beliefs.
For medically required diets all requests are to be supported by a GP/Dietician letter confirming the allergy
To notify us of your child's allergy and request a medical diet you will need to fill out and return our Medical Diet Request Form here. The form can be printed off and completed by clicking the link. You can also collect a hard copy from your site's school office.
To support a Medical Diet Request you will also need to fill out and return a Medical Diet Evidence Support Form
School Milk
School milk is available to all children and is free if your child is under 5. You can register your child to have milk in school via the coolmilk website
Childcare after school
School Fund Contribution 2024-2025
Schools are constantly having to work to very tight budgets and we rely greatly on the kind generosity and support of our parents. This school year, we are asking parents/carers if they are willing to contribute to the School Fund, which allows us to provide a variety of enrichment activities throughout the school year, such as trips to the local pantomime & visiting theatre groups. This voluntary contribution enables us to purchase extra items which are not immediately available from stock (for example, cooking materials and additional playtime equipment).
We would like to suggest a minimum contribution of £35 per family. Payments can be made through ScoPay, our new payment system, under the PRODUCTS heading – if you have not already registered, your login details will be sent to you shortly after your child starts with us. We are very grateful for this additional revenue and Iwe thank you for your support.