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SEND at South Camberley

South Camberley is committed to meeting the needs of every pupil at the school. We follow three clear principles in our approach to supporting children who have additional needs. These principles underpin our planning, teaching and assessment and aim to ensure that all children are given equal opportunity to succeed, and flourish whilst they are in our care. These principles are:

  • Belonging
  • Learning
  • Thriving

Our SEND provision starts in the classroom and, through our robust planning and 'Quality First Teaching', we aim to provide all children with the best possible opportunity to access the curriculum. Through increased access all children will be able to participate in all lessons with the aim to leave our school and transition to their next phase of education as motivated, engaged and independent learners.

  • All children receive Quality First Teaching adapted to their need
  • Some children require additional intervention to support this (SEND provision)
  • A few children need highly specialist specific support to achieve this (EHCP)


How do we identify that a child has additional needs?

Class teachers are the first person at school who may notice that a child requires extra support in a particular area. Once a teacher identifies a need, they will speak directly with the parent/carer of that child to discuss how the child is presenting in school and whether these difficulties have been noticed at home.

The teacher will then implement specific, targeted strategies in class to meet this need for between 4 and 6 weeks. After this time, if they believe the need requires further support they will complete a ‘concern form’ listing the strategies they have tried and what the child is finding difficult. This will then get passed to the school’s SENCO, who will observe the child in class within a week. Clear actions will then be discussed with the class teacher and communicated with parents. The outcome from the concern form will decide whether the child’s need can be met within the classroom through Quality First Practice and some adaptations, or whether they may require further support. This will be discussed with parents/carers.

At this stage a decision will be made on whether the child needs to be added to the SEND register, which is used to track any identified need. Once a child has been added to the SEND register a Provision Map will be created and a copy will be shared with parents. Provision Maps are reviewed termly, and the SENCO will make regular SEND learning walks to ensure provision remains appropriate and impactful.

If, after the initial suggestions from the SENCo, the child continues to need further support, the parents/carers will be invited in to complete an Assess, Plan, Do Review Form with the SENCo and the Class Teacher. This form allows all parties to have input on actions we can take to support the child.

Assess, Plan, Do Review Forms are run on a cycle of up to six weeks and reviewed three times. The SENCo, Class Teacher and parents/carers will collectively share their concerns and assess the strategies that have already been put in place for the child. We will then plan what we are going to do next to support the child and put it into action. This system allows for us to be specific with our support and ensure the child is getting the right support to meet their needs.

Quality First inclusive practice (universal) is demonstrated in our school and there are expectations that all staff will deliver this. Regular testing and teacher assessments, along with additional testing, if appropriate, form the backbone of decisions made. Should additional support be required, this is undertaken after consultation with the relevant staff, child and parent/carer. Intervention programmes may be used including small group work, additional resources or 1:1 work. Support may be felt appropriate for academic progress and also to strengthen social skills. All interventions are monitored for impact, and outcomes are clearly defined at the start of the intervention. The SENCO oversees all additional support and regularly shares updates with the Local Advisory Committee.

What interventions and specialist provision can South Camberley school provide?

At South Camberley we offer a series of interventions and provision to support our teachers and children. These interventions are coordinated by the SENCO, informed through class observations and SEND progress meetings with class teachers. As well as specific interventions, we have a number of specialist members of staff who deliver targeted support to both children and teachers. Below is a snapshot of South Camberley’s SEND offer:

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Lead
  • Sports Therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Fine and Gross Motor Groups
  • Plus 1 and The Power of 2 to support Maths
  • Speech and Language Interventions through the use of Speech Link
  • Literacy for All
  • Reading Fluency Project
  • Precision Teaching
  • Zones of Regulation Interventions to support the identification and understanding of emotions
  • Social Groups to support building and maintaining positive relationships
  • Emotional Literacy groups to support building resilience and empathy
  • Bespoke classroom resources to meet the children's individual needs
  • Additional learning spaces to support children in small group interventions

How do we support our teachers?

The SENCO is the first port of call for any additional support or advice for teachers. The SENCO delivers half-termly SEND staff meetings with specific focuses to ensure all teachers are up to date with any changes in legislation and they have an open opportunity to share best practice with all staff. As well as staff meetings, the SENCO carries out regular SEND learning walks and there is a robust referral system in place to request SENCO observations and involvement.

The SENCO coordinates further training based on the children’s needs and organises bespoke training for teachers to ensure they are fully prepared to meet those specific needs. South Camberley has very close links with Surrey's Teachers for Inclusive Practice and their link Educational Psychologist, as well as additional support from Freemantles. Both of these groups offer bespoke training and frequent consultations to add a further layer of support to our teachers.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?

We follow four fundamental SEND principles at South Camberley and these principles are embedded within the curriculum. We ensure our children with additional needs are at the very heart of our planning and thus ensuring they have access to the curriculum and can fully participate in all lessons. Inclusive teaching and planning is vital to ensure SEND pupil make accelerated progress within the curriculum - senior staff are present at all planning meetings to offer support and monitor the planning and provision in place. Where something more is needed for the few children who have difficulty learning specific skills, we provide something additional instead of Quality First Teaching. Regular pupil progress meetings are held between the class teacher and senior staff to monitor individual children and plan next steps of development. The SENCO and class teachers meet frequently to monitor progress of specific children. All our teachers are clear about expectations of whole school (i.e. universal) provision and their lessons and books are monitored regularly by the senior leadership team.

How do we communicate with parents?

Parents are always encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher if they feel their child needs extra support. Parents can also contact the SENDCo directly for advice and support, this can be done by emailing or calling the school office who will pass any communication onto the SENDCo. Our SENDCo will respond to any query within 5 working days either by telephone or email and will follow up with class teachers where necessary.

If a child has any specialist involvement from Surrey, all appointments and reports will be shared with parents directly.

If your child is on the SEND register, you will be invited to meet with the SENDCo as well as the class teacher during all parent consultations. Furthermore, if you child has a provision map this will be shared with you and reviewed termly – so you will receive three a year.

Who are the Inclusion Team?

SENDCO : Mrs Rachel Summerland

Deputy SENDCO: Miss Ashleigh McGuigan

Social, Emotional, Mental Health Deputy DSL: Mrs Sarah Ayres-Townshend
Support & Wellbeing Lead

Useful links:
  • SEND Code of Practice Statutory Guidance here.
  • SEND Guide for Parents statutory document here.