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Maths Ambassadors

We held our first maths ambassadors meeting on 6th December and it was great to have our new team together. We followed an agenda to keep our meeting on track and had various points to discuss.


Firstly, it was to welcome and congratulate our new maths ambassadors who are: Andra, Eve, ADam, Amelia B, IShayu, Neda, Jason B, and Casey

We moved on to discuss what the children would like to achieve as ambassadors, and it got us all very excited. Things such as maths games at lunchtime, mentoring younger children with their maths work, teaching our parents how we do maths at South Camberley and how to calculate the ever-important Times Tables Rockstar Leader board. 


The ambassadors have begun brainstorming fantastic ideas for ‘Numbers Day’ in February. They were thinking of ways to raise money for both the NSPCC, who run the day across the country and for the school. Watch this space for more ideas and information! 


The ambassadors are now going to 

  1. learn how to calculate the Times Tables Rockstar data to share across the school
  2. Put together a pupil voice questionnaire to understand how children in South Camberley feel about maths