British Values
The DfE have stated the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values”. The DfE says that the government’s five part definition of ‘British Values’, as set out in its 2011 Prevention Strategy, is:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
We have embedded these values throughout our school, both within and beyond the curriculum.
British Values in our Curriculum
- Our curriculum for Year 5 and 6 includes a unit on ‘Democracy’, where pupils learn about the democratic system and how our government works – we have even been lucky enough to take pupils to visit the Houses of Parliament to deepen their understanding. Within this unit they also learn about the importance of individual liberty and how this shapes their lives. They learn about people in the world who do not have personal freedom.
- Children learn how to become global citizens at South Camberley. This begins with our Learning for Life topic ‘Being Me in My World’, which has been planned to teach children the importance of rules, rights and responsibilities, including the rule of law. We teach this topic progressively from Nursery to Year 6, beginning with how to be gentle and understand feelings to the importance of universal rights, being welcoming to all and feeling valued, and role-modelling.
- We use ‘Picture News’ to allow our pupils to explore current newsworthy issues. These include issues regarding human rights, freedom of speech and cultural differences in our own country and across the world.
- Our teaching of SMSC across the whole school curriculum actively promotes all of the identified British Values.
- Individual liberty is taught through Online Safety and PSHE lessons that advise pupils on how to safely exercise their rights and personal freedoms.
- Our broad and balanced RE curriculum enables pupils to learn about and respect the beliefs of those from many different faiths and those without faith. We also explore these themes through our Learning for Life curriculum topic, ‘Celebrating Difference’.
- Pupils learn about the universal rights of the child in their RE curriculum. In Year 6, we also teach this as part of the Learning for Life topic, ‘Being Me in My World’. Children are supported to understand what they can expect, and to consider the importance of these rights and what happens in the world when these rights are taken away.
- Our PSHE curriculum teaches children about the consequences of not following our society’s rules and laws.
Beyond the Curriculum
- House captains are elected democratically each year. Children learn the importance of considering their core values carefully, how to address others and the impact a vote can have.
- We also involve the pupils in key decisions, such as changing the names of our classes, what should be included in our inspiring book themed school murals and which charities we choose to support as a school. This also took place through a democratic vote. Children learned the importance of considering their vote carefully and the impact that their vote can have.
- Visits from authorities such as the police and fire services reinforce the importance of the rule of law. For example, the Police support us to understand how to stay safe online.
- Our school’s behaviour policy positively reinforces personal responsibility for being ready, respectful and safe.
- The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies.
- Whether it is through choice of challenge, how they record their work or of participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices throughout their time at South Camberley.
- We promote individual liberty through our uniform at South Camberley and offer children a wide array of clothing options to ensure they are able to express their personalities whilst feeling a sense of belonging to our community.
- School assemblies are timetabled to specifically focus on key areas regarding British Values, with children across the school learning about the values and their importance in a variety of ways. Assemblies also cover key religious festivals across the year along with themes regarding friendship, tolerance and respect. (Please see an example attached).